Thursday 22 January 2015


Hello guys, today im going to talk about my favourite artist, Pablo Picasso.
Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor and is my favourite artist because he was the forefather of the cubism move.
Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881 and he died in Moulins, France, in 1973.
In his artist career he had fourth periods, characterize for the way how he painted. The first period was called "blue period", because the color more used in his works was the blues, the second period was called "rose period", in this time Piccaso painted scenes of clowns and circuses, the third period was called "surrealist period" because he painted monster and mythological scenes, and the last period was called "expressionist period", in this time he painted my favourite work called Guernica
Guernica was painted during the civil war in Spain, this artist expressed the terror inflicted on civilians during the bombing german air against the people of Guernica. I like the form in that deform the human body, and the movement that have this picture.

Other work that i like is The weeping woman because this picture continues the topic about the civil war in Spain, the colors are varied and the form as he deformed the face of woman it deliver greatest shock.  
Piccaso was a great plastic artist, his work are very famous, for all this is my favourite artist.  



  1. Piccaso was a great plastic artist, and he was an innovator...

  2. I love picasso! its my favourite painter too!

  3. Pablo Picasso is a wonderful artist!
    I Like!

  4. I don´t know about the painting, but guernica have a good story and I like it.

  5. I love the blue period of Pablo Picasso. He was a wonderful painter !!

  6. My dear friend, I'm so tired of Picasso, you know... I think tonight I'm going to dream with him LOL
